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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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Search Results
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A search for 'Iron Grip: The Opression' gave the following results:

1 matches in composers
  1. Iron Maiden

725 matches in tracks
  1. Grip (02:05)
    from Creed
  2. Quite A Grip (01:07)
    from Alien Resurrection
  3. Grip (08:15)
    from Ridge Racer 2
  4. Ashley gets a Grip (05:09)
    from Magic In The Water
  5. Vice Grip (01:06)
    from Tokyo Vice
  6. Grip (Interlude) (02:05)
    from Creed
  7. In the Grip of the Seasons (02:52)
    from Hunt, The
  8. In the grip of the Spider (02:43)
    from Confessione Di Un Commissario Di Polizia Al Procuratore Della Repubblica
  9. In the grip of the Spider (02:43)
    from Nella Stretta Morsa Del Ragno
  10. Ashley gets a Grip (05:09)
    from Magic In The Water
  11. Vice Grip Interrogation (01:27)
    from Demon In The Bottle
  12. User-Locked Grip (01:53)
    from Seven Sisters
  13. Sheriff Tightens His Grip (03:56)
    from Great Debaters, The
  14. Sheriff Tightens His Grip (03:56)
    from Great Debaters, The
  15. Hoobastank - Losing My Grip (00:00)
    from Scorpion King, The
  16. Sheriff Tightens His Grip (03:56)
    from Great Debaters, The
  17. You Slip, She Grip (Pitbull) (03:13)
    from Fast & Furious
  18. Spock’s Vulcan Grip On Death (01:31)
    from Star Trek: Beyond
  19. Spock’s Vulcan Grip On Death (01:31)
    from Star Trek: Beyond
  20. You Slip, She Grip (03:13)
    from Fast & Furious
    Pitbull Feat. Tego Calderón
Show all 725 matching tracks